Discounts for university students on the trip to Peru

Peru’s main tourist attractions offer discounts for university students. They must complete current undergraduate studies and have a legible university card, either the one issued by their university or the international ISIC card. Library cards or registration receipts are not allowed. Among the main destinations with entry for university students are: Machu Picchu, the Colca canyon and the historical sanctuary of Pachacamac.

Machu Picchu
Tourist in Machu Picchu

The trip to Peru for university students

The trip to Peru for university students offers discounts on its main tourist attractions such as Machu Picchu, the Colca Canyon, the Pachacamac sanctuary, the sacred city of Caral and more.

For this, young people must meet these requirements: study undergraduate studies at the time of their visit (in some cases, such as Machu Picchu, be under 25 years old). Also have a valid university card.

Graduate university students or students with suspended enrollment (they do not have a university card) cannot access the discounts. In those cases, they have to buy their ticket at the general adult rate.

In most cases, university cards issued to high school students are also accepted.

What university card to bring?

The university card is a mandatory document to visit the main tourist attractions in Peru with a discount. In some cases, the official university card issued by the authorities of the visitor’s country is required. In other cases, the international student card (ISIC) is acceptable.

In all cases, the university card must meet the following characteristics:

  • Laminated license in good condition.
  • Document showing the student’s legible photo.
  • It must clearly show the names, surnames, age and effective date of the document.

Library cards, master’s, doctorate, postgraduate, graduation, enrollment reservation, enrollment document or credit or debit student card are not accepted.

Discounts for the main tourist attractions

These are the prices and requirements to access the university discount in the main tourist destinations in Peru:

Machu PicchuThe Inca city of Machu Picchu is the main tourist destination in Peru. Every year it receives just over 1.5 million visitors. The entrance fee for foreign university students has a cost of 77 Peruvian soles (22 US dollars on average). University students from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia pay 32 Peruvian soles (9 US dollars on average). The university card (not ISIC) is the only valid document for the purchase of the ticket.

Cusco – To visit the main tourist attractions of the city of Cusco you must buy the famous ‘Cusco Tourist Ticket’. Some of the best destinations included in this ticket are: Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Moray, Tipón, Piquillacta as well as several museums and cultural centers. The price of this ticket for foreign university students is 70 Peruvian soles (20 US dollars on average). The price of this ticket for Peruvian students is 40 Peruvian soles (11 US dollars on average). Both the university card and the ISIC card are accepted for purchase.

The Colca canyonColca is one of the deepest and most amazing canyons on the planet. It is located in the department of Arequipa, in the middle of the Andes Mountains in southern Peru. To visit the Colca canyon and its main viewpoints it is necessary to buy the ‘Colca Tourist Ticket’. This ticket only has discounts for Peruvian students. The cost of the ticket is 5 Peruvian soles (less than 2 US dollars on average). The official university card issued in Peru is the accepted document. Unfortunately there are no discounts for foreign university students.

Pachacamac Sanctuary – This archaeological site was the most important sanctuary on the entire coast of ancient Peru. For the Incas it was an oracle where one had to arrive after several days of fasting. Its main figure was the idol of Pachacamac, a figure related to earthquakes. The visit to this place includes a tour of the site museum, one of the best in Lima. Peruvian university students pay only 5 Peruvian soles to enter (less than 2 US dollars on average). The current university card issued by the Peruvian authorities is the valid document.

Sacred city of Caral – Caral is the oldest city in America since it dates back to 5,000 years before the Christian era approximately. It is about 174 kilometers from the city of Lima, the capital of Peru. The entrance ticket for this archaeological site offers a discount for Peruvian university students. The ticket price is only 4 Peruvian soles (a little more than 1 US dollar on average). The official valid card issued by the Peruvian authorities is the authorized document.

Kuélap archaeological site – This important archaeological site is on the eastern side of the Andes Mountains, in the jungle high from the department of Amazonas. It was built by the Chachapoyas culture, in the 11th century approximately. It stands out for its constructions such as mausoleums located on the ridges of the hills. University students pay for admission the amount of 10 Peruvian soles (less than 3 US dollars on average). In addition, you must pay the price for the trip by cable car (20 Peruvian soles for round trips).

Archaeological site and site museum Huaca PucllanaThis ceremonial center is in the heart of the tourist district of Miraflores in the city of Lima. It was part of the Lima culture, built between 200 AD and 700 AD In addition to the archaeological site, it has a site museum that explains the importance of the place in a didactic way. The entrance fee for university students is 7.50 Peruvian soles (a little less than 3 US dollars on average). The necessary ticket is the current university card issued by the Peruvian authorities.

Chan Chan archaeological site and museum – This citadel is the largest in America made of adobe. It was built by the Chimú culture, approximately in 850 AD. It is located in the city of Trujillo, on the north coast of Peru. In 1986 it was included in the list of Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The entrance ticket to the archaeological site includes the tour of the site museum. Peruvian students pay the fee of 5 Peruvian soles (slightly less than 2 US dollars on average). The university card must be valid.

Royal Tombs of Sipán site museum – The discovery of the tombs of the Lord of Sipán was one of the discoveries archaeological sites of Peru in the twentieth century. It is a royal tomb, of a ruler of the Mochica culture, back in 300 AD The tomb is currently inside a very well-conditioned museum, one of the best in Peru. The entrance ticket for university students has a cost of 4 Peruvian soles (a little more than 1 American dollar on average). The card must be valid and issued by the Peruvian authorities.

Archaeological site and museum of Chavín de Huantar – In the Cordillera of the central Andes of Peru is this archaeological site, a sacred city belonging to the Chavín culture. It was one of the most important religious centers of ancient Peru. It was built between 1,500 BC and 300 BC. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The entrance ticket to the archaeological site includes the tour of the site museum. The cost for Peruvian university students is 7 Peruvian soles (just over 2 US dollars on average). It is located in the department of Ancash, 86 kilometers from the city of Huaraz.


By Machupicchu Terra – Last updated, August 28, 2023

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