Awards and recognitions of ‘Machupicchu Terra’

Machupicchu Terra is a legal tourism agency authorized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru. Throughout its more than 10 years of history has several achievements and recognitions, which guarantees one of the best travel experiences in Machu Picchu, Cusco and the Peru. Trust the best!

Logo Miradas


In January 2023, the award for Entrepreneurs 2022 was held in Peru. Despite the fact that the social, political and economic situation brought different problems, but the award ceremony in charge of the Miradas Magazine, could be carried out with total normality. In this contest Machupicchu Terra, received the prize for the Valuable Contribution to the Development of Business Activity Entrepreneur during the year 2022.

The Miradas awards have been held annually since the year 2015 where the Revista Miradas began with this project to highlight and recognize the business progress of the Peruvian entrepreneurs. Machupicchu Terra, feels very honored with this recognition, since it was also developed in a crucial moment for dialogue and exchange of knowledge and strategies to cope with different political problems which unfortunately affect the tourism sector more.

Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
Premio Miradas - Machupicchu Terra
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Inca Dorado


The Inka Dorado is awarded to different companies that, during a period of one year, have managed to stand out in customer service and social responsibility. This award is presented in person and also in the international magazine “Best of Year”. Machu Picchu Terra managed to be awarded as Best Traditional Tourism Agency, this for the work employed throughout the year 2022 in the tourism sector with the different offers of travel packages throughout Cusco.

The award ceremony was given in the Municipality of Cusco, with the participation of the organizing committee and the different companies nominated for all the awards offered by this entity. The awards are based on statistical data and according to the influence of companies in the sectors to which they belong.

Machupicchu Terra, also received recognition through the “BEST OF THE YEAR” seal, this for being considered the leading travel agency and traditional tourism packages. The award and recognition is granted after a prior evaluation by experts in the field of tourism, business, real estate construction and other highly influential figures in the Peruvian economy.

Premio  Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio  Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio Inka Dorado - 2022
Premio Inka Dorado - 2022
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Cusco Networking


This international tourism fair was developed in the district of Urubamba. It started from the 13th and ended on October 15, 2022. On this occasion, Machupicchu Terra was invited as an exhibitor and at the same time as a tourism agency. This event was developed with the purpose that the main agencies and companies of Cusco can articulate and exchange knowledge and in this way, strengthen tourism throughout the Cusco region. All this event served to improve the image of Cusco and Machupicchu Terra was part of this great event.

At the International Fair of Cusco Travel Networking 2022, it was the first edition of this event that we are sure will return in the coming years. Something important is that tourist agencies from Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Ecuador came as guests to this event. Agencies from all regions of Peru and national institutions such as the Ministry of Culture, PromPerú, SERNANP INDECOPI and MINCETUR were also invited.

Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
Travel Networking - Machupicchu Terra
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Logo Caltur

CALTUR 2020 and 2023

This recognition was given to us in two different years. The year 2020 seemed to be a normal year, unfortunately the borders of the whole world were closed due to the pandemic caused to avoid a greater spread of COVID-19. From that moment we had to wait for the borders to reopen to continue with our work. Returning has not been easy, which is why we strive to obtain the CALTUR seal again in 2023.

CALTUR, is the seal of Tourism Quality of Peru, It is divided into several areas. Machupicchu Terra, in both years, received recognition for the Application of Good Management Practices of the Travel and Tourism Agency Service. This seal is not obtained with a simple request, it is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, who is in charge of granting the recognition annually. Everything is prior evaluation and identification of the company, the company must be in operation, for this it presents the municipal operating license, the RUC of the company and the registration of the company in the DIRCETUR (Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism) of each region of Peru.

Certificado Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Certificado Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Certificado de reconocimiento Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Certificado de reconocimiento Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Certificado de reconocimiento Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
Reconococimiento Caltur - Machupicchu Terra
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Logo Safe Travel


Machupicchu Terra in the year 2021, received recognition for SAFE TRAVELS. This seal was awarded to tourist agencies that met a series of standards on safe and healthy services. The WHO (World Health Organization) is in charge of managing the requirements for a company, agency or destination to have the safe travel stamp. The destinations and agencies that have this seal received an evaluation and review of records that were necessary to verify that strong Machupicchu Terra complied with all the necessary standards.

To return to exercise our services, they were carried out little by little, this in order that the staff of our agency in general and tourists can make trips with all the relevant security. The sanitary restrictions served to reopen international tourism, guaranteeing the conditions to visit trips to Peru or destinations within Peru. The recognition that Machupicchu Terra received refers to compliance with the COVID-19 Surveillance, Prevention and Control Plan. For this, the WHO worked with the Regional Government of Cusco together with the Regional Management of Foreign Trade, Tourism and Crafts of Cusco .

Safe travels - Machupicchu Terra
Safe Travels - Cusco
Safe travels - Machupicchu Terra
Safe travels - Machupicchu Terra
Safe Travels - Machupicchu
Safe travels - Machupicchu Terra
Safe travels - Machupicchu Terra
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Logo Asoorcic


The Association of Official Operators – Cusco Inca Trail Network, It is an entity or institution whose main task is to unify and allow all agencies and tour operators to generate a better service dedicated to the trekking route known as the Inca Trail. Machupicchu Terra, seeking to improve its services, support this institution and at the same time learn from it. In 2021, the Machupichu Terra staff received Biosafety Training in the face of COVID-19, this training helped us to operate again with all the efficiency and safety of both our staff and our clients.

It was a difficult year, but at the same time comforting because we went back to work and visited Machu Picchu as normal.

Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
Reconocimiento Assorcic - Machupicchu Terra
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Logo Oso de Anteojos


The Machupicchu Terra team participated in this important event that was held near the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. This activity was developed with the presence of many tourism agencies and Machupicchu Terra, could not be unrelated to this initiative. In addition, several independent volunteers joined. With everyone’s help, more than 540 kilos of inorganic waste could be collected. Which unfortunately were left in the Red de Caminos del Inca.

The banks of the Vilcanota River were cleaned in an approximate distance of 40 kilometers. It was an arduous task, but at the same time rewarding. The effort was worth it for the collection of waste and because this action will be reflected in future generations that will always be willing to take care of the habitat of the spectacled bears, whose home expands throughout the territory and protected area of Machu Picchu.

Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
Limpieza habitad Oso de Anteojos - Machupicchu Terra
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Logo Gobierno Regional


In 2021 Machupicchu Terra received the certificate that recognizes its registration in the National Directory of Qualified Tourist Service Providers as ‘Tourist Operator’, by the Regional Government of Cusco.

Logo Sernamp


In 2019 Machupicchu Terra received recognition from SERNAMP for participating in the II Cleaning Campaign (IV day) of the Inca Trail network through ASOORCIC. This is for the benefit of all tour operators and the general public.

Logo Defensa Civil


In 2021, the National Institute of Civil Defense granted Machupicchu Terra the certificate of technical inspection of safety in buildings for the correct operation of the building located at Calle Recoleta Angosta 208.

Logo Policía Nacional


In 2018, the Peruvian National Police recognized Machupicchu Terra for its commitment and invaluable support in preserving order, tranquility and citizen security for the benefit of all Peruvians.

Logo Municipalidad Cusco


In 2017, the Municipality of the Province of Cusco granted Machupicchu Terra the operating license to exercise its tourist services in its large premises located at Calle Recoleta Angosta 208 in the historic center of Cusco).