The 7 Best Zoos in Peru

Peru has a great diversity of fauna that is really worth knowing. From the seabirds on the arid coast, the auquénidos and cats in the Andes Mountains; to the infinite mammals, fish and birds of the Peruvian Amazon. Many of these species can be seen in captivity in the main zoos in the country. Do you want to know up close the most emblematic species of Peru? These are the most recommended zoos in the country.

The 7 Best Zoos in Peru
The 7 Best Zoos in Peru

The Park of Legends in Lima

The Park of Legends in Lima
The Park of Legends in Lima

The Legends Park in Lima is one of the best in Peru. It is located in the district of San Miguel, 11 kilometers from the tourist district of Miraflores. It has a huge area where you can find up to 1,585 animals divided into areas such as: coastal zone, mountain zone, jungle zone, international zone, as well as a feline, a farm and a botanical garden.

The park of legends has up to 54 archaeological sites from cultures over 2 thousand years old. A replica of Machu Picchu, a mine and the famous tomb of the Lord of Sipán stand out. It also highlights its food area, games for children, horseback riding and more. It is open from Monday to Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm.

  • Address: Parque de las Leyendas Avenue 580, San Miguel – Lima.
  • Price of entrance ticket: 15 soles for adults in general / 8 soles (from 3 to 12 years old) / 4 soles (over 60 years of age).

The Huachipa Zoological Park in eastern Lima

The Huachipa Zoological Park in eastern Lima
The Huachipa Zoological Park in eastern Lima

The Huachipa Zoo is located east of Lima, in the Huachipa district, about 17 kilometers from the city center. It has a large area where more than two hundred species are in captivity, including: giraffe, zebra, ostrich, Bengal tiger, lions, jaguar, Andean puma, hyena, spectacled bear and more.

The Huachipa Zoo is open 365 days a year from 9 am to 5.30 pm. There are various activities for children and adults. Its aquarium, food courts, sale of ‘zoovenirs’ stand out. The species are divided into bird forests, Amazon region, carnivores, African savannah, reptiles, amphibians and more. Rates are slightly increased on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

  • Address: Las Torres Avenue s/n, Ate Vitarte (Huachipa).
  • Price of entrance ticket: 19 soles for adults in general / 12 soles (under 12 years of age) / 12 years (adults over 60 years of age).

The world zoo in Arequipa

The world zoo in Arequipa
The world zoo in Arequipa

The Parque Albergue Zoo Mundo de Arequipa is located in the district of Paucarpata, about 10 kilometers from the city center. It was founded by Dr. José María Granados Soria on December 5, 1998. It has an extensive area where up to 62 animals and birds can be found. It has parking, a food court, a playground, a veterinary section, boat rides and more.

The most emblematic species of the world zoo in Arequipa are: the huallata, the otorongo, the African geese, the tigrillo, the puma, the African lion, the Andean condor, the American owl, the boa and more. The zoo is open from Monday to Sunday from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. Admission is free for people over 70, volunteer firefighters and people with incredible abilities (with CONADIS card).

  • Address: Spa of Jesus, S/N, Paucarpata – Arequipa.
  • Price of entrance ticket: 8 soles (from 12 years and over) / 4 soles (from 3 to 11 years).

The Huancayo Zoo in Junín

The Huancayo Zoo in Junín
The Huancayo Zoo in Junín

The Huancayo Zoo is located on the so-called ‘Cerro de la Libertad’, just 1.7 kilometers from the city center. The place has parks for children, a swimming pool, typical food courts and green areas. Although small, the zoo has animals of great interest such as: alpacas, owls, coatis, hawks, lions, parrots, monkeys, bears, pumas, snakes, foxes, vicuñas, turtles and even lions.

The zoo is administered by the Municipality of Huancayo. It caught the attention of Peru in 2011 when two lions were born in captivity. The zoo gained popularity ever since. Souvenirs with these products are even sold. Visiting hours are Monday through Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. It is a place much visited by local people.

  • Address: Cerrito La Libertad s/n, Huancayo – Junín.
  • Price of entrance ticket: 5 soles adults in general / 3 soles children.

The Quistococha Zoo in Loreto

The Quistococha Zoo in Loreto
The Quistococha Zoo in Loreto

The Quistococha zoo or tourist complex is one of the main entertainment centers in the city of Iquitos, in the Peruvian jungle. It is located 14 kilometers from the city center, on the banks of the Quistococha lagoon. The place, in addition to an artificial beach, has a zoo where species from the Amazon can be seen.

The place covers an area of 369 hectares. Among the seventy species of animals in captivity, the following stand out: the otorongo, the eagle, the hawk, the pink dolphin, as well as an area for primates, snakes, birds and a botanical garden. Many visitors like to relax on its sand and the waters of the river under the intense sun of the jungle. Office hours are Monday through Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Address: Highway Iquitos – Nauta km 6.3.
  • Price of entrance ticket: 8 soles foreign adults / 4 soles national adults / 1 sole children.

El acuario Nautilius en Lima

The Nautilius Aquarium in Lima
The Nautilius Aquarium in Lima

Although it is not exactly a zoo but an aquarium, Nautilius is one of the most interesting proposals in Lima. Located in the north of the city (in the Comas district), this modern space has more than 150 species of marine species, among which stand out: the paiche, the electric eel, the piranha, the clown fish and more.

Nautilius is run by a team of biologists who have implemented a water temperature regulation and reuse system. The tour includes a train ride with an introductory video, an Amazonian life area, a huge 2-meter-deep aquarium, and fish from other seas. It is open from Monday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Address: Block 99 of Universitaria Avenue – Comas (former farm Chacra Cerro).
  • Price of entrance ticket: 24 soles from 4 years of age (under 4 years are free).

The Andean World Zoo in Cusco

The Andean World Zoo in Cusco
The Andean World Zoo in Cusco

This zoo-shelter in Cusco is located in the community of Choquepata, in the community of Tipón (about 40 minutes by car from the city of Cusco). It is famous for hosting Andean species, such as: the puma, alpaca, llama, vicuña, sloth bear, snake, monkeys, hawks, partridges, koala, Andean deer and, of course, the Andean condor.A few steps away is the famous archaeological site of Tipón – Cusco.

The Mundo Andino Zoo in Tipón is small, but it offers a pleasant tour. The place is on a hill, so you need to walk uphill on marked paths. Very close to Tipón you can visit traditional restaurants, Inca archaeological sites and incredible landscapes such as the Huacarpay lagoon. It is a good option to go with family.

  • Address: Community of Choquepata, district of Oropesa s/n – Cusco.
  • Price of entrance ticket: 10 Peruvian soles (approximately 3 dollars).


By Machupicchu Terra – Last updated, August 28, 2023

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